Garry Kasparov vs Topolov
In this move white finds the oppurtunity to push the game to ultimate winning . And the whole world knows that it can be done only by one person , name is Garry Kasparov .
In this position he sacrifices his first rook :
1) R*d4 ! c*d4
2) Re7+ !!
Topolaov declines the second sacrifice .
2 .... Kb6
3)Q*d4 + K*a5
4)b4+ Ka4
5)Qc3 Q*d5
6)Ra7 Bb7
7) R*b7
I think from this position there are many posiblities and endgame variations . The Topolovs retreat was 7).... Qc4 8) Q*f6 K*a3 9) Q*a6 + and the ending is evident 1-0
This game is considered to be immortal game by Kasparov.!!