Hikaru Nakamura starts with a fabulous game against World Champion Magnus Carlsen in the opening round in Bilbao. He played a Scicilian Defence against which Carlsen started with unusual 2.Ne2 line . However , earlier Carlsen has played this in his career .
This is a fabulous breakthrough . Nakamura had many chances to push the game to endgame with a pawn up or slight edge at many occasions,he avoided that . Nakamura concentrated on the fact that Carlsen being an endgame expert may escape from losing the game even if he gets a small chance .
The idea of 35...e5 !! is bringing the rook to g6 making it worse for white King.
Carlsen replied ...
36.Qg3 Rg6 37.Kh2 e*f4
38.Q*f4 Qh5+ 39.Kg1 Qd1
40.Kh2 Qh5+ 41.Kg1 N*g5
42.Qb8+ Kg7 43.Qe5+ Kh6
44.Qf4 Qd1+ 45.Kh2 Qd4
46.b4 Kg7 47.Qc7+ Kh8
48.Qc8+ Rg8 49.Q*f5 Nf3+
50.Kh3 Qd6 0-1
Please find a better move other than Qd6 which can mate white King in next 5 moves !!