Sultan Khan -The Indian Hero

Sulthaan Khan was one among the strongest players in the World who played for very short span of five years . He belonged to Punjab province in India during British rule . He was servent to Colonel Nawab who took him to play Chess in Europe . During the era he played with the strongest players of the Chess World . He had winning games against the Great Jose Raul Capablanca, Max Euwe , Tartakower .
He has a famous game played against Rubenstein which ended up in a draw .
His game against JR Capablanca is considered to be a sheer masterclass of Chess dynamics !
Hastings 1931 
Mir Sulthaan Khan vs Jose Raul Capablanca.   

The move a3 played (in the above pic) is one among the most discussed move which is used to avoid Nimzo Indian Defence ideas .

In this position which occurred in continuation of the above Capablanca 
game ,Capablanca played his rook to c2+ just now and Mir Sulthaan Khan captured the double rooks by his Queen . Q*c2 R*c2 K*c2 . The idea of this continuation was to double the white rooks on c file and getting a passed pawn on queen side . Capablanca was unable to defend Sultan's idea and lost the game on 65th move . I am not mentioning the game or its move in this article because these positions speak the depth of Sultan's strategies. An anoted game can be better taken from books and database . 
Mir Sultan Khan was a prodigy whose games would have brought greater excitement to Modern Chess . He is a victim of slavery and colonial system in history . He himself might have never thought to become a World Champion !!

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