It is said that Carlsen is bit more serious about upcoming World Championship Match to be held in US in November . It may be because in previous two World Championships in which he played against Vishy Anand ,the openings were almost familiar for both . But against Karjakin he has different opening strategies . Carlsen has played French Defence as black against Karjakin in previous encounters ,whereas against Anand he would have never even thought to play it. On the other hand as white there is a possibility of Karjakin troubling Carlsen with Queens Indian Defence which is highly strategical and requires more time to analyse . Last two World Championship s between Anand and Carlsen had many Ruy Lopez variations whereas this time it could be very rare . However Carlsen s opening preparation s are expected to be simply to aquire equality with black, as with white pieces he has upper hand of playing many type of openings at its best . He is an expert over 1d4 or 1.e4 or 1. c4 or even 1.Nf3 .
Magnus Carlsen vs Sergey Karjakin
World Blitz Championship 2015
Magnus Carlsen vs Sergey Karjakin
World Blitz Championship 2015
Black to play
Magnus Carlsen played London System with white side and Karjakin crushes his ideas in Blitz game . Karjakin played 1...Re6 after which game ended in favour of black .
The possible continuation is 2.Nc7 Rc6 ! after which white loses knight and following mate threat by putting the rook at 1st rank !!