.1. Nf3 f5 
2. d3 d6 
3. e4 e5 
4. Nc3 Nc6 
5. exf5 {Upto this position Dolmatov
was just doing a symetrical approach against Nf3 F5 positional set up. It went
theoritical that One who gets breaks symetry gets an upperhand .} 
5... Bxf5
6. d4 {terrific ! Magnus Carlson brings end to the era of computer knowledge.
There are some moves which even computer will hesitate to calculate . Here
Normaly a begginer like me will think about if 6...e*d4 7.Nb5 a6 8.N*d4 but
Carlson thinks about a Novelty. }
 6... Nxd4 
    7. Nxd4 exd4 
          8. Qxd4 {Amazing is
c2 and in some technical words its poisoned wine if 8...B*c2.} 
                                          9.Bc4 {This is the Move the Good one...the Carlson one..!!} 
 9... c6 
  10. Bg5 b5
    11. Bb3 Be7 
      12. O-O-O Qd7 
                                           13. Rhe1 Kd8 {From here we start the Chapter MULTI
        14. Rxe7 Qxe7 
                                       15. Qf4 Bd7 
16. Ne4 d5 17. Nxf6 h6 18. Bh4 g5

19. Qd4!! {Anything More...}

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